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Configuration of HTML offer templates

Adding and configuring your own eBay offer templates to BaseLinker will allow you to, among other things:

  • quick listing and automatic filling with product information straight from the inventory
  • easy update of information on a ongoing offer – in case the product data in the shop changes (e.g. change of description or photos)
  • seamless change of offer template in the future

You can use a template you have used before, making cosmetic changes to it. Make the template universal by adding our special tags. Configuring the template in this way means that it is automatically filled with information about the item on sale (description, images, etc.).


You can define as many templates as you like and then assign them to individual eBay accounts, specific categories or specific items.

Adding an HTML template

To BaseLinker you can add any offer template, created according to eBay rules. Use special BaseLinker tags to create your universal templates. When listing, they are automatically converted into relevant information about the item (e.g. the [description] tag will be replaced by a description of the item in stock).

The following tags are available:


[name] – full name of the product in the inventory
[auction_name] – title of the offer
[description] – item description retrieved from a shop or warehouse database
[additional_desc1] – additional description (used in the built-in Baselinker warehouse)
[additional_desc2] – additional description (used in the built-in Baselinker warehouse)
[params_list] – This is a full, bulleted list with all the features of the product. e.g. :

  • Length: 1m
  • Color: blue
  • Size: XL
    You can exclude selected features from the list by listing them after the “-” sign. For example, the tag [params_list-color-size] will output a list of features without colour and size.

[param|X]– A specific characteristic of a product. E.g. [param|length], [param|colour], [param|size]. Parameters must be defined in the warehouse. and supported by the shop platform if the offers are listed from the shop’s warehouse.
[param_and_name|X] – a specific product feature with a parameter name. E.g. [param_and_name|length], [param_and_name|colour], [param_and_name|size]. Parameters must be defined in the warehouse. and supported by the shop platform if the offers are listed from the shop’s warehouse.
">[photo] – the web address of the main image. To be placed in an HTML tag, e.g. <img src=”[image]”>.
[additional_photos] – additional pictures of the item. The formatting of additional images is described below
[price] – product price in the offer
[manufacturer] – name of the manufacturer of the listed item
">[maufacturer_logo] – web address to the image with the manufacturer’s logo (to be inserted in the HTML tag, e.g. <img src=”[manufacturer_logo]”>)
[category] – the name of the warehouse category in which the listed item is located
[weight] – weight of the listed item
[product_id] – product ID number
[shipmentX] – price of selected shipping. 

Adding a main image

The [photo] tag is taken in the form of an image address, so insert it into the template in the following form:

"><img src="[photo]">

You can of course use styling to suit your preferences, for example by imposing specific or maximum dimensions:

"><img src="[photo]" style="max-width: 700px; max-height: 700px;">

The same applies to the ">[maufacturer_logo] tag, which is also the address of the image.

Adding additional photos

Additional images are retrieved from the shop with the tag [additional_photos] and in this form the tag should be added to your template. During the listing/review, the tag is adopted to the template in the form of HTML code in the following form:


<div class='gallery_image_0'><a href=''><img src=''></a></div>
<div class='gallery_image_1'><a href=''><img src=''></a></div>


If you want to format the photos appropriately (e.g. set their size or position), you should refer to the CSS class “gallery_image_X”. You can use one of the examples for styling additional images. You can paste the example at the very beginning of the offer template.


Example 1:

The code sets the width of all images to 500 pixels and the distance between images to 20 pixels:

 .gallery_image_0 img, .gallery_image_1 img, .gallery_image_2 img, .gallery_image_3 img, .gallery_image_4 img, .gallery_image_5 img {
     width: 500px;
     margin-bottom: 20px;


Example 2:

The code places the images side by side, creates thumbnails of 150 pixels wide and adds borders:

 .gallery_image_0, .gallery_image_1, .gallery_image_2, .gallery_image_3, .gallery_image_4, .gallery_image_5 {
     float: left;
 .gallery_image_0 img, .gallery_image_1 img, .gallery_image_2 img, .gallery_image_3 img, .gallery_image_4 img, .gallery_image_5 img {
     width: 150px;
     margin: 20px;
     padding: 5px;
     border: 1px solid #AAAAAA;>

Default offer template

You can set the default offer template in two places:

  • Default offer template for the selected eBay account under Integrations > eBay > Settings > Offer settings
  • Default offer template for selected categories in the warehouse or for specific products can be configured under eBay > Associations

If a given product has not been assigned an offer template in the “Associations” section, the template configured in the “Offer settings” section will be used when listing. You can also manually select an offer template from a list when creating an offer.

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